Our county is not yet safe from the scourge of Corona-virus, despite some counties opening their businesses and relaxing social distancing guidelines, as an organization dedicated to the health and safety of our citizenry, RxSafe Marin is compelled to remind you that this virus is still a real danger. As a county Marin has done remarkably well in limiting the spread of this disease, but that does not mean we’re out of the woods just yet. Such thinking brings to mind the relapses in cases brought on in other states and countries when they had thought the coast was clear. It is imperative that you keep yourselves and your families safe during these uncertain times; it only takes one careless mistake to end up infected and hospitalized. However, following CDC guidelines and avoiding willfully dangerous behaviors will keep you and your family safe. Please track the latest information about COVID-19 in our county HERE, and stay safe everyone. We will get through this together.




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